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The Magical 13.1 Miles

The Magical 13.1 Miles

It was an ambitious thought to sign up for my first half marathon years ago and I had no idea what an amazing journey and the impact it would have on me. I am blessed to have my sister-in-law who is a long time marathoner to train me up. We worked on a custom training plan starting…

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By wildxena, May 19, 2019 Seattle-based world traveler living my best life!! I am passionate about seeing the world and experiencing different cultures. Strongly believe the best adventures come from traveling outside of your comfort zone. Follow along this humbling journey of mine that I am very proud of.
About Me
Seattle-based world traveler living the best life!! I am passionate about seeing the world and experiencing different cultures. The best adventures come from traveling outside of your comfort zone. Follow along this humbling journey of mine that I am very proud of.
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